必看!奇美拉(mRNA基因改造-人獸嵌合體) ,披露在獸印疫苗-專利權註冊之中,基因剪輯技術在人類嵌入異獸基因!Vaccine Patent shows CRISPR mRNA /PCR Genome Engineering Recombination of DNA - To create CHIMERA - Ma

1 year ago

奇美拉 嵌合體 - 如此邪惡兇險的異獸,竟然出現在新冠疫苗 (基因改造) 美國專利技術註冊的內容中?



這無非是要免責聲明,暗地裡讓人知道,惡魔正在利用新冠疫苗來基因改造人類,製造這隻擁有獅頭、羊身、蛇尾的奇美拉異獸Chimera 嵌合體!

在遠古傳說中,奇美拉異獸,是一種兇猛的噴火怪物,它擁有獅子的身體和頭部,山羊的頭部從它的背部伸出,尾巴是一條蛇。 《伊利亞特》文本中對奇美拉的簡要描述是該生物現存最早的記錄。 奇美拉傳統上被認為是女性,據說生下了獅身人面像和涅米亞獅子。 人們害怕這個怪物,並認為它是風暴、沉船和其他自然災害的預兆。奇美拉是生活在小亞細亞的奇獸,長著獅子的頭和身體,有噴火的山羊頭在胸前,並且有巨蛇的尾巴可以傷人。 它是個兇猛的怪物,是希臘神話中臭名昭著的怪獸夫婦提豐和針鼴的孩子。 據說它極其危險,因為除了它能噴火之外,它還隨時準備吃掉任何靠近它的人或生物來充飢。 在民間傳說中,總是認為奇美拉的出現預示著厄運,因為它經常出現在自然災害或海難之前。Amisodaros 將 Chimera 怪物當作寵物飼養,成為該地區人民的威脅。 英雄貝勒羅芬受利西亞國王派去屠殺怪物,他騎著飛馬飛馬射出致命一箭,消滅了這頭殘忍的野獸。

不要再沉睡了,獸的印記,已經明明地發生在基因改造的層面,人類透過疫苗與芯片,已經把獸的基因嵌入體內⋯玷染了基因的人,不再是無玷的婦女(啟 14:4),不再是無皺紋病毒的童女(馬太 25:1-13),也不再是(啟示錄 14:1) 所言擁有十四萬四千基因的完全人⋯

核酸險測 + mRNA疫苗!這疫苗除了操控著人類未來的交易買賣之外,還 在基因改造的層面使人改變成獸,這就是啟示錄 13:16-18 預言中 -- 獸的印記!

The Chimera is the beast that is prophesied in Revelation 9:16-19, with a army of 200 million, they are going to kill one third of humanity in the battle field of Armageddon! Now, the name Chimera appears in the patent registration of Moderna vaccine? The devil is going to use the Covid Vaccine to genetically modify human beings, to create the Chimera Beasts, which have lion's head, sheep's body and snake's tail?
The Chimera was a ferocious, fire breathing monstrosity that possessed the body and head of a lion with the head of a goat protruding from it’s back and a snake for a tail. The brief description of the Chimera in the text of The Iliad is the earliest surviving record of the creature. The Chimera is traditionally considered to have been a female, and was said to have given birth to the Sphinx and the Nemean lion. The monster was feared and believed to have been an omen for storms, shipwrecks and other natural disasters.

Chimera is a strange beast living in Asia Minor, with the head and body of a lion, a fire-breathing goat head and a snake's tail. This ferocious monster is the child of the notorious monster couple in Greek mythology: Typhon and Echidna. It is said to be extremely dangerous because in addition to its ability to breathe fire, it is also ready to eat any human or living creature that comes near to satisfy its hunger. In folklore, it is always considered that the appearance of Chimera foretells bad luck, because it often appears before natural disasters or shipwrecks.
The Amisodaros had kept the Chimera monster as a pet, becoming a threat to the people of the area. The hero Bellerophon was sent by the king of Lycia to slay monsters, and riding on the horse Pegasus, he shot a fatal arrow to destroy the cruel beast.

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