The Difference between the UK, Great Britain & England Explained

2 years ago

Quite a lot has changed since this video came out. Some changes that have happened as of December 2022:
1. Queen Elizabeth II is no longer the reigning monarch. Her heir, Prince Charles, succeeded her following her death and became King Charles III in September 2022.
2. Barbados became a republic in November 2021 and no longer has a monarch.
3. The United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union (cf. 1:57) following Brexit.
4. The status of the British Indian Ocean Territory as one of the British Overseas Territories is currently in limbo after the International Court of Justice ruled in February 2019 that the UK unlawfully separated the Chagos Archipelago from the rest of Mauritius. This ruling was affirmed by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in January 2021.

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