#BraveGirls #브레이브걸스 7th Anniv. Deepened 변했어 (remix) #shorts 🔗 https://youtu.be/pTOa29l7Czk

2 years ago

Happy 7-Year Anniversary 💍 #BraveGirls #브레이브걸스 ❤️ 🎨 #Eunji #은지 #은지는 🐸, #Minyoung #민영 #민영타임🦋, #Yuna #유나 #이유나, #Yujeong #유정 #유랄라✨,and #BraveEntertainment 🏆 Enjoy this special remix 🎁 of #Deepened #변했어 #Fearless from BG's 2017 #hiheels CD. 👠
Hoping & praying BG renew their contract soon! And if you've never seen the orig. Music Video 👯‍♀️, do yourself a favor & check it out (link below). All I can say is 😍🥰 #OMG 😘😻 this song is good! 💿 I'd love to make this go viral, so please Watch, Like, Comment & Share. And don't forget to Subscribe-Follow for more great Music Content. 🥂YouTube 🔗 https://youtu.be/pTOa29l7Czk IG: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoLygwXu60s/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
@ https://www.goldstreet.net/home-music/ | https://www.instagram.com/ericmichaelcap/reels/
Orig. Perf. c/o @fullbloomadventure1321 https://youtu.be/MeWtoGBgt9c
BG Deepened MV @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_pC3KXT2r4

@bravegirls2017 @minyoungtime241 @unafilm @eundohae @yelloyellow
@Youlalla @BraveEntertainment @EricMichaelCap #generakgroove #rollin #hayun
@bg_cloud @bg_gifs @reBirth. @AfterWeRide @hoodhoon @BraveGirlsList

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