Pixelshire Demo Gameplay Part 1 - Guidebook - Learning to mine and build your home.

2 years ago

So our journey leads us back to Jack and he can't help us build our house because he himself is lacking ores. So we go to see Bron and we learn how to mine. Crafting is kind of slow but at least you can leave and do something else while it's happening. So with all the material at hand we build our first home which is a tent like structure. Next quest is to build a chair but I don't appear to have the recipe. I checked all the NPCs I think but I don't see the blueprint. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

Guidebook claim is not immediately apparent even though you get a exclamation mark. - Maybe don't let players buy the same blueprint that you have a pending reward for.
Chair recipe at the moment is not apparent where to go get it.

#Pixelshire #indiegames #indiegames #rpg #roguelike #roguelite #topdown #crafting #craft #quests #mobs #slime #tree #tutorial #start #home #tent #mine #ore #chair

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