An American Response to the Great Reset: Defending One's Natural Right of Bodily Autonomy

2 years ago


An American Response to the Great Reset: Defending One's Natural Right of Bodily Autonomy

With KrisAnne Hall, Esq., Founder, Liberty First Society

Most critically thinking Americans know about the tragic insurance reports and new studies which show nearly 300K excess deaths from the C*VID shots. Meanwhile, our FDA has just authorized annual injections of these genome-modifying bio-weapons. Simultaneously, as the central banks plan to link digital currencies to the coming W.H.O bans on unvaxxed travel and energy footprints, we’re faced with the growing specter of Communist China-like controls on noncompliant behavior – and faux President Biden is supporting these plans.

The clear conclusion, as hard as it is to believe, is that we are literally under attack by Earth’s “ruling” class – that one percent. Like it or not, this means that every person who wants to preserve liberty, freedom, and their God-given rights, is called upon to ‘step up to the plate,’ as the saying goes. Many are.

KrisAnne Hall is one of those persons. Ms. Hall has stepped up to help lead the way forward. Awakened after her past job – helping Big Agriculture conglomerates make frankenfoods of our crops… and later dismissed from her Florida assistant prosecutor position when she refused not to claim (publicly) her support for traditional American values and the Rule of Law, Ms. Hall made her name, though, during the Covid hysteria. She helped empower employees with exemptions from the vaccine mandates, and she continues to fight against the perverse, authoritarian values that underpin them.

KrisAnne frequently speaks at freedom events, too, helping Americans create local, county “supremacies” to replace an unconstitutional, national bureaucracy. Relying on local county sheriffs - elected by the people, not judges or governments – she produced the acclaimed documentary, “NonCompliant”, which presented lessons for the American Response to Globalist Threats.

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