Indonesian Street Food Market Javaanse Saoenah Markt Suriname Paramaribo 2023

2 years ago

Market for Street Food in Indonesia Suriname Javaanse Saoenah Markt Paramaribo 2023
However, the Javanese also have their own market, which can be found on Jozef Israel Street in Ma Retraite III. This traditional Saoena market is open every day and offers a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, and of course a lot of delicious Javanese pastries. When you search for this market, the geuren will quickly send you scurrying for binnendrings with nasi, bami, saotosoep, and baked banana! Snuffel along the colorful ramps, take in the music, and get to know all the teachers you come across. Ga zo vroeg mogelijk langs, want anders is al het eten al op als je aankomt.

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