Evil comes from within (The heart of a man Matthew 15:10-20)

2 years ago

Evil comes from within (The heart of a man Matthew 15:10-20)
You know what I have grown to hate from our so-called modern society? No one wants to place the blame on who it is due, and they are always wanting to place it on someone or something other than it should be. Take guns for instant, it is not the person fault who decided to grab an inanimate object and use it to harm or kill others, it is the guns’ fault. Our society does everything in its power to blame the firearm and those who make it for an atrocious act against humanity instead of blaming the evil individual who carried out the act. Something is not right with this picture; the gun was just a tool that an evil individual used to carry out what was born inside of their evil heart. This is what Jesus expresses to His disciples in verses 18-20 of our parable, He tells them that evil comes from within a man’s heart. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. (v. 19) If you are the source of the evil act should you not be the one blamed and held accountable for your actions.
The Pharisees thought that what was on the outside was what defiled a man, but Jesus wanted everyone to know that what comes from within is what defiles a man. It is not always your kid’s teachers’ fault that they are mean at school it could be that there are issues in their heart that need to be dealt with to fix the problem. They may just need a spiritual heart transplant where the great surgeon Jesus comes in and gives them a new heart, with new desires. It seems everyone is always looking for someone else to blame for their problems when almost one hundred percent of the time our problem is that our heart is not right with God. We allow our emotions, thoughts, and desires to take control of our actions instead of allowing the Holy Spirit of God to be our guide in this world. God has a plan for all our lives, but it requires all of us to humble ourselves and realize that we have problems, short comings, and sin in our lives that keep us from being who He wants us to be. The only way we can fix these issues is to let God fix them for us and this can only be done through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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