The Battle Rages On - Who YOU ARE To GOD!

2 years ago

Aloha & Praise the LORD!
The Battle for Righteousness IS raging ON and getting hotter with each moment! BUT GOD IS WINNING and WE who are IN CHRIST JESUS are IN THE MIX of the battle - and WE ARE WINNING! Be NOT DISCOURAGED - BUT KNOW - that our GOD, is GOD, and there are no others!! AMEN & SHALOM!

E Holomua Kakou I IESU - E Holomua Kakou I Ke AKUA!
(Let's All Move Forward & Upward in JESUS; Let's All Move Forward & Upward in GOD)
(Judges 6; Isaiah 64:4; I Cor. 2:9)

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We are currently in YouTube 'timeout' for at least a week..we are praying for all at YouTube to repent and truly allow "FREE SPEECH" - not one word of hate has or is coming from my mouth, except maybe that I Hate Sin! NOT the sinner, but Sin - it is NOT GOD! AMEN..period!!

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