America attacked with missiles dream 2-3-2023

2 years ago
Part 1: Why America Will Fall From Superpower Status -
Part 2 -
Daniel 9:26 - antichrist will emerge out of the revived Roman Empire and rule over the NWO
Rom. 1:18-25 - The wrath of God is called down from heaven by:
- Ungodliness
- Unrighteousness
- Suppression of the Truth
- Worship creation rather than Creator
There are 3 stages of Abandonment Wrath of God
- Given over to Sexual Perversion Rom 1:24 "lusts of the flesh"
- Given over to Homosexuality Rom 1:26 "vile passions"
- Given over to moral decadence Rom 1:28 "debased mind"
The USA is a young cowardly lion in Ezek. 38:13-
- These nations will come against Israel in a massive Mid-East invasion of all time - war (WW3) Magog, Meshech, Rosh, Persia, Togarmah, Tubal, Gomer, Put and Cush - None of these countries share common borders with Israel and are predominately Muslim, although Russia is not Muslim or arab which singles them out for a unique prophecy about Russia -
- Ezek. 38:1-6 The Magog Invasion - Russia and Southern Steppes, Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia.
-American forces DO NOT stop this invasion, nor do they join in the defense forces in Israel because we will not be in any condition to stop the invaders.
- Ezek. 38:19-23 - God stops the invasion supernaturally - Great Earthquake, Every Man's sword against brother, pestilence and bloodshed, flooding rain, Great Hailstones, fire and brimstone. (Could the fire and brimstone be the 'war on asteroids' Carol Rosin said, just before the Last Card?)
- In the aftermath, it will be clear that God will have made His name known - Ezek. 39:7 - Israel has to be in existence for God to make His name known among His people.
- This prophecy could be around the corner: Destruction of Russia; Upholding of God's Holy Name Ezek. 39:7; Decline of Islam (which will result in the building of third temple); Harlot World Religion; 144,000 Jewish Witnesses will preach the Kingdom of God; Rise of The AntiChrist; Christian Martyrdom.
- Ps. 83 Confederacy is based on Israel not yet dwelling safely (they have bars and gates), but when the Lord "executes judgment on all those around them who despise them (Ezek. 28:24-26)," via the Ps. 83 and Isa. 17 war, which Israel will win through IDF Military. This also will end the Ancient Hatred.
How Could America Decline?
- International or domestic terrorism
- Economic Collapse
- The Rapture - John 14:1-6 (He will keep us from the hour of trial Rev. 3:10-11)

Dream/Vision – Start at 13:50 timestamp -

Shmitah And The 7 Year Tribulation -

MUST WATCH - - When will the TRIBULATION begin? Where are we on the BIBLICAL Calender? (What Time is it?) – 5782 Shmitah year prophetic – Ps Enoch Lavender

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