Japan 100 years ago, Japanese people in photographs, gathering at shrines and temples Japan travel

2 years ago

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Japan 100 Years Ago: Japanese People in Photographs: Shrines, Temples, and Japanese Culture


The Japanese People in Photographs: Shrines, Temples, Buddhist Temples, and Japanese Culture


When you find yourself in a shrine or temple, you feel as if you can connect with your ancestors from a long time ago.
Places where Japanese people of 100 years ago gathered, played, babysat, and prayed.
The known locations in the photos include Itsukushima Shrine, Kitano Shrine, children playing at the gate in Nagoya, Nogawa Bronze Works in Kyoto, tug-of-war in Ueno Park, the God of Tooth Decay, the former Omuro Gosho, and the Great Buddha in Kamakura.
There is also the Kamata Iris Garden, which is no longer there.
We are grateful for the sanctuary that has continued from the distant past.

1 Library of Congress,Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942, photographer,2018719921
2 Library of Congress,Stereo-Travel Co.2020633590
3 Library of Congress,Keystone View Company.91787475
4 Library of Congress,Graves, C. H. (Carleton H.),-1943.91787480
5 Library of Congress,H. C. White Co.2020633559
6 Library of Congress,c1905 April 7.2004669732
7 Library of Congress,Universal Photo Art Co.2020633577
8 Library of Congress,Underwood & Underwood, publisher.2020634443
9 Library of Congress,Underwood & Underwood, publisher.2020634320
10 Library of Congress,c1901.2020632606
11 Library of Congress,Strohmeyer & Wyman, publisher.2020634184
12 Library of Congress,Keystone View Company.90706150
13 Library of Congress,Underwood & Underwood, publisher.2020632687
14 Library of Congress,Underwood & Underwood.2002719462
15 Library of Congress,Graves, C. H. (Carleton H.),-1943.97504614

Amacha Music Studio

My name is Mayu Noda.
I will introduce the charm of shrines around Tokyo, which I love.
Sometimes temples too.

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If you are interested in learning more about shrines and temples, please write to us with your questions. There are shrines everywhere in Japan. Akihabara in Tokyo is famous for its electric town, but there are shrines even in its back alleys.

I hope that when people from other countries visit Japan, they will feel the sanctity of shrines and clear their minds.

I am not an expert, but I would like to answer questions as I learn more myself. Once I have some of the questions finalized, I will put them on video. Please write to me.

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