FFW 29: Unvanquished, Nintendo Classic for PC, and Ubisoft Borks Steam Deck and Linux Support

1 year ago

FFW 29.1- Unvanquished 0.54 Released

If you want to combine RTS and FPS gaming, this may be a way to do that. Unvanquished is a fork of Tremulous, which combined elements of squad-based shooters with limited base-building from the RTS genre. Tremulous started as a mod of Quake 2, then was released as a mod for Quake 3. Man, this intrigues me. I gotta say... It is still relatively early in beta, so there are lots of bugs, but this looks promising. I’m not gonna say that I’ll try it out for sure on a Friday, but who knows...


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FFW 29.2: New Classic Zelda Clone Out

If retro gaming gets your motor running, and you like to play with fire by poking the no-fun-patrol that is Nintendo, check this thing out. We are talking about a reverse-engineered clone of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1991). It doesn’t use any of Nintendo’s copyrighted properties, so you do need the original ROM in order to play... There are some goodies that have been added to this clone...
· Support for pixel shaders.
· Support for enhanced aspect ratios of 16:9 or 16:10.
· Higher quality world map.
· Support for MSU audio tracks.
· Secondary item slot on button X (Hold X in inventory to select).
· Switching current item with L/R keys.


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Freed Computer


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FFW 29.3: Ubisoft Flips Us the Bird

So, while I reported last week about the improvement with EA and Steam, we have a major regression with anything that requires Ubisoft Connect in order to play. In other words, until further notice, major titles like: The Division 2, Watch Dogs Legion, Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Ghost Recon Breakpoint, no longer even load in on Linux or the Steam Deck. Thanks, Ubisoft.


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Updates: Ubisoft fixed both The Division 2 and there s a fix for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint as well.
Ubisoft released a patch for The Division 2, so all you have to do is download that and you should be good to go.
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is a bit more involved, but here are the steps to get it working...

· The fix
o Steam Deck
§ Open the Properties of the game in Steam, go to Local Files and Browse.
§ Head into the BattlEye folder.
§ Edit the BELauncher.ini file in a text editor
§ On the line that says 64BitExe=GRB.exe change it to 64BitExe=GRB_vulkan.exe
§ Make sure you select Vulkan when going to launch the game
o On desktop Linux though, there's another problem. It will keep forcing a small 720p window. The only workaround I've found for that, is to manually edit the settings file found somewhere like this:
§ /steamapps/compatdata/2231380/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Ghost Recon Breakpoint/GRB.ini
§ The location above depends on where you have it installed.
§ Inside there, change "WindowMode" to 0. At least there you can maximise it. All other modes end up forcing 720p, which is even a bug on Windows in their Vulkan renderer with many posts on it. You can't set the resolution there, as the game overrides it but setting WindowMode to 0 lets you maximise, and the game sets the resolution to match the window.


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