Legal Action Against 5G - Actions You Can Take - Join Us!

1 year ago

Join us! Make a stand and support Action Against 5G outside the London Courts of Justice on 6th and 7th February 2023.

You expect the government to inform you of the risks of electromagnetic radiation from 5G technologies but the adopted exposure guidelines have not thus far protected you from the risks. The government continues to promote palliative myths about microwaves and esteems a national "race" to install 5G everywhere, instead of taking a precautionary stance in recognition of the existing and widely recognised scientific proofs of biological harm from 5G and existing pulsed radio-frequency radiation thresholds.

The choice the government has made, for you, has been to force outdated methodologies and metrics to fit the contemporary curve of economic interests while sustaining industry goals, influence and supporting unhindered perpetual roll outs. All this is pushed along without due risk assessments that are scientifically relevant for our safety. This behaviour, which contradicts the role of public servant sets a harmful precedent, for life, transparency, truth, and liberty.

We are all potentially at risk from the upgraded, multi-banded radio-frequency radiation intensification program of 5G which industry and government are advancing at ANY cost, including the price of public health.

Join us, men and women like you, who want to show the world that the roll out and densification of 5G technology, never proven safe, by any stretch, represents a damaging trespass against life, and a potential to harm that is utterly unacceptable. Be there, for mankind, stand with us and be the change that will right the wrong. If not you, who?

The Case

Action Against 5G poster download:

Inform yourself and take tried and tested effective individual and community action anywhere:

Read all about the EMF/5G technological health/human rights issues:

Significant facts and findings:

Insights and a focus on reforms:

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