Pharmaceutical Whistleblower: Covid and the 'Toxic Vaccines' are Bio-Weapons Created by U.S. Department of Defense - February 1, 2023

1 year ago

Rairfoundation - February 1, 2023
Sasha Latypova, & Katherine Watt, along with fellow big-pharma scientist Philip Altman and LTC (Ret.) Dr. Pete Chambers.

“Really this is a military operation, war crimes and atrocities covered up as a health event.”

Perhaps the biggest existential question of our times is where exactly did covid-19 come from?

According to Sasha Latypova, a Russian-American, former pharmaceutical industry research and development executive, and Katherine Watt, a para-legal researcher, and philosopher, it’s an inside job. Covid-19 is an act of bio-warfare perpetrated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on the U.S. and worldwide populations in two stages.

The first step was a virus that frightened the living daylights out of people already primed for the next disaster. The second was the rollout of toxic “vaccines” designed to cause further harm and death. “They were designed to be toxic, with intent to cause harm,” Latypova told L4Atv. “It looks like this was a virus created by the U.S. government.”

While the narrative peddled by mainstream media concerning the origins of the pandemic has evolved, starting as a zoonotic virus (One that moves from animals to humans) from a wet market in China to the acknowledgment of the possibility of accidental release of a gain-of-function virus from the Wuhan lab, that may or may not have been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Latypova and Watt have shared documented research that points to the United States DoD calling the shots.

The rollout of the pandemic and subsequent vaccination campaign has been many years in the making, say the pair. One example of the many that the pair gives is that the DoD issued multiple contracts in Ukraine for covid research and covid countermeasures, some dating back to 2012, others more recently, immediately before the declaration of the pandemic.

In the way that David Martin, underwriter and patent expert, demonstrated intent when in 2021 he traced the history of patents filed for the novel coronavirus by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna, long before the pandemic was declared, Watt has traced the legal framework for the exploitation of the pandemic to limit the freedom of citizens worldwide. “We allowed criminals to write laws for themselves,” she says. “And while it makes no sense at all, it does explain why things unfolded as they did. The basic idea is that public health has been militarized, and the military has been turned into a public health front, or Potemkin Village, such that they are using public health language and laws to actually carry out a military campaign. I would call them DoD weapons.”

The weapons to which Watt is referring are threefold; first was informational – the use of propaganda and censorship. The second was psychological – the use of fear and terrorism. The third was chemical and biological – the widespread use of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, in reality, toxins and pathogens.

“This project has been going on for centuries: globalist and central bankers and many related organizations have been trying to get entire control of people through military and banking programs,” asserts Watt. “They kicked the public health aspect of it into higher gear in the 1930s and 1940s. In the mid-60s, we saw them inducing suicide and homicide by fraudulently labeling poisons as medicines, or as vaccines, or as prophylactics and telling people that submitting to that poisoning process was their civic duty. We saw that during covid with the shorthand for ‘do this or kill your grandma message.’”

The financial control starts at the top with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and cascades down through the financial system, says Watt. “The cornerstone is the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO is not a health organization but a military organization. It is the military arm of the One World Government they are trying to set up. Basically, the International Health Regulations, currently going through another round of amendments to make them worse, called on national governments to strengthen their own domestic laws to fund more programs for surveillance, testing, detention and quarantine, physical control, and forced treatment during international outbreaks of communicable diseases. The pretext they used – it was bankers doing this – was that they needed to protect international trade. The real intent was to transfer sovereignty for government from the national state to the WHO and BIS automatically when a public international health emergency has been declared. Congress and U.S. presidents complied.”

Over time, Congress and one U.S. administration after another have brought in laws, amendments to these laws, and executive orders to whittle away at citizen freedoms. Examples include the Patriot Act, The Homeland Security Act, the National Vaccine Program, the Emergencies Use Authorization, the Public Health Emergencies Platform, and the Chemical and Biological Weapons Program, to say nothing of the use of OTAs (Other Transactions Authority) to issue contracts, all designed to create a legal framework for controlling our lives.

“Trump and Biden passed several further congressional acts, funding to reinforce the structure to build out the program,” asserts Watt. “Government has built a huge public and private funding stream for military lead bio-weapons research and use, eliminated informed consent, by reclassifying people who could potentially be carrying a disease as presumptive national security threats, so that you can do anything you want to them because you are on a war footing.”

While Watt has been pursuing research on the legal framework for the pandemic maneuvers since 2020, her assertions became abundantly clear in April 2022 with a False Claims case brought against Pfizer by Brook Jackson. “It is not a vaccine; it’s a DoD prototype,” says Watt. “Pfizer said they never had to do trials and were never obligated to prove safety or efficacy. And on Oct 4th, 2022, the U.S. govt endorsed that view, basically saying that clinical trials were never material or necessary for the DoD to pay the contractors for producing and distributing the bio-weapons known as covid-19 vaccines.”

When Latypova discovered Watt’s legal research, the whole story began to make sense. As a pharmaceutical specialist with 25 years of experience, she couldn’t understand why no regulatory authorities were reacting to the alarming safety signals produced by the vaccines from the outset. She has used public documents to prove her case.

“I immediately uncovered the huge deficiencies and problems in the development of these biowarfare agents – irregularities from regulatory quality perspectives, manufacturing issues,” says Laypova. “It was very puzzling to me why no regulatory agency in the world was taking any action on any of this – not on adverse events, deaths, horrific side effects. And they took no enforcement on all the manufacturing non-compliance, lack of good laboratory practices, etc. When I found the legal basis for this, the universe immediately started making more sense. Really this is a military operation, war crimes and atrocities covered up as a health event.”

Latypova’s opinion is only further confirmed by the fact that the response to the declaration of the pandemic by the U.S. government was to put the National Security Council (NSC) in charge of covid policy. “This is completely irregular. According to all previous plans, before 2022, Health and Human Services (HHS) was supposed to be in charge, which is reasonable because they are a health agency. Now we have the NSC in charge, and this consists of defense and intelligence heads. They’ve been treating it as an act of war from the beginning; they just didn’t tell people.”

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