Smith and Wesson 686 Plus Delux .357 Magnum

2 years ago

smith & wesson 686 plus .357 mag delux talo edition 7 shot
6" 6 inch barrel
.38 special or 357
wood grips
stainless steel revolver
686 - 6 plus deluxe model talo edition. 6 inch barrel. stainless steel. laminate wood grips. 150712.

also shoots .38 special

smith and wesson smith & wesson s&w sw revolver 7 shot not 6 shot
will give any coly python ruger taurus a run for its money
adjustable sights

six eight six dash six
-6 - 6
38 . 38
.357 mag
magnum rounds round
edition special limited release
stainless steel gun
wheel gun
talo exclusive wood grip instead of the runner grip.

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