2 years ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎The U N I V E R S E is a big place on many #OPPORTUNITIES..It is also a place of failures..temptations of destruction and despair..
The M Y S T E R I E S of the M I N D of each #INDIVIDUAL goes untapped every day..Being manipulated..influenced..and controlled by society's so-called respected
#GENERATION of W E A L T H . . .
Where in fact..They #CARE very little about your welfare and well being..Our government as a whole has manipulated and twisted our
C U L T U R E S since the beginning..
When political #POWERS first ruled with complete authority over our nations..Lies throughout the land of this world..
has left it's mark on S O C I E T Y . . .
Leaving it with ignorance..and foolish desires for empty #DREAMS to fit in society's norm..
F R E E T H I N K I N G is all but perished..
The will to C O N T R O L the "#HUMANRACE"..
Is all but complete..Those who fight this struggle of #INFLUENCE..are quickly
tempted to be do their biding..
or eradicated for being a threat to the
NWO (New World Order)..
The time to C H O O S E your path in #LIFE is here..NOW..You can turn your cheek to
I G N O R E what is happening to the world around you..and be consumed by your ignorance to face the onslaught to choose #EverlastingLife..or everlasting damnation..
Whether you believe or not..
The end of the
L I F E we see in our F U T U R E..
Is going to change dramatically..and surely not for the better..I'm sure you can feel the disturbance in the #WORLD..
No matter who you are..
No matter what you B E L I E V E in..
You feel this uneasiness around you everywhere..Then again maybe you don't..
To where you have grown accustomed to ignoring your
S E N S E S..and following others..So #BELIEVE what you want..
Take this post like a grain of salt..Do you and take care..Cause in the end..It is you who are held #ACCOUNTABLE for your own
A C T I O N S and C H O I C E S..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism..#MuchLove "Humans"▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Subscribe..Comment and Share :

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