ENDLESS Heat for Your Home WITHOUT Electricity just Oil

2 years ago

" While I commend you on this video and idea there's a few things with this build I have to comment on. Let me point out that I’ve been a certified Chimneysweep for a very long time. This method of heating is not a new one and historically dates back a very long way. Styles change but the design is mostly the same. First you must space fireboard and concrete board 1” from the wall for safety reasons, this allows air to flow behind the board and prevent the board from retaining heat at the firebox mounting point and causing a smoldering fire behind it. This is caused by the concrete board coastally transferring the heat to the wood causing it to get hotter over time to the point of combustion. Next issue is that gutters are not made of steel and are aluminum. This means the melting point for the metals is around 1221 degrees F or 660 degrees C. while the output you showed is around 450 degrees F the spots directly over the flames will be much hotter near or at the melting point. You would be better off using copper gutter as copper’s melting point is 1984 degrees F or 1085 degrees C. Also, copper gutter comes in round segments meaning you will get a much better draft. It would be wiser to braze the copper to the steel with bronze rod. I’m unsure if copper gutter could be roll flanged and brazed like steam boilers but this would be a much better option to seal it than JB weld which will break down over time. Your other option would be to use a multitude of 1’pipe flanged into the box in an arrangement that would pick up much more heat. You can find this information by looking up how to make barrel stoves and stream boilers. Then braze the copper gutter around the outside of the box to allow attachment of the input and output piping. Lastly, I would recommend building a means to adjust the wick higher and lower to better control the heat. There are a number of easy ways to do this with some old small gears steel rod and flat wick. I would also as other sugested look into the chimney effect as well as this will cause better movement of air. All in all This is a great build with some minor tweeking you can make it even better. "
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