Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster Gearcase Weld Repair

2 years ago

On a 1987, 1200 Sportster, a gear in the transmission locked up at 70 and wrecked the gear cluster and broke the case. A closer view shows the broken case section that needs repair. As you can see there is just enough hole depth still in the case to use a locator pin. These three pictures show the new piece I machined, and welded in place. The shaft diameter was .375”or 3/8”. A 3/8” bolt was used to locate the newly machined part, and a wood block used to hold it all in exactly the right place and straight prior to tack welding. Just a little shot of the gear cluster that mounts there, part # 17-0029. Below are the addresses my YouTube channel which I no longer have access to, my Instagram page, HRI Services welding Facebook page, and my Outdoor Pursuits Facebook page.


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