Restricting Free Speech - Socialist Green Deal - Constitutional Carry

2 years ago

Liberals to introduce new hate speech bill, possibly bringing back controversial Section 13

Right before the House of Commons breaks for summer, the Liberal government will introduce a new bill tackling hate speech, which could bring back a controversial law under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Right before the House of Commons breaks for summer, the Liberal government will introduce a new bill tackling hate speech, which could bring back a controversial law under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.

That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

The Truth About Socialism and the Green New Deal

Is America on the path to becoming a socialist nation? As we approach another presidential election, the Democrat candidates are ever-increasingly calling for programs and policies that are undeniably socialist. Senator Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist and enjoys the support and favor of his Democrat colleagues. At the tip of the spear for socialism in America is Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), a member of the Democrat Socialist Party.

Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’ Is About Socialism, Not Global Warming

The Green New Deal has been hailed by Democrats and liberal pundits as one of the most important proposals to tackle global warming in decades, but don’t be fooled: Many supporters of the Green New Deal know it will do absolutely nothing to reduce global temperature or prevent future temperature rise—the primary purpose of the proposal, according to Ocasio-Cortez.

The real goal of the Green New Deal is to impose a series of radical, socialistic programs—policies that would dramatically increase the size and power of the federal government, cause immense harm to the U.S. economy, and run up the national debt by trillions of dollars.

Florida bill could hand gun owners huge win, make the US a constitutional carry-majority country

Florida lawmakers introduced legislation on Monday to allow people to carry a concealed firearm without having to get a government-issued permit – a move that could make the majority of U.S. states permitless-carry territory.

Constitutional Carry/Unrestricted/Permitless Carry

Constitutional carry: Constitutional carry means that the state’s law does not prohibit citizens who can legally possess a firearm from carrying handguns, (openly and/or in a concealed manner) thus no state permit is required. Sometimes, constitutional carry may be conditional such as in those states that have no laws prohibiting the open carry of a handgun but which require a permit to carry the handgun concealed.

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