Nuclear fusion ignition is being heralded as the Holy Grail of energy

1 year ago

💠 Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two atoms fuse to form one or more new atoms with a slightly lower total mass. Ignition happens when a fusion reaction makes more energy than it takes in from outside sources. 192 lasers were directed at a 0.04-inch (1-mm) pellet of fuel made of deuterium and tritium. Fusion energy has been the "holy grail" of energy production for nearly half a century. This discovery shows that fusion ignition is possible, but it will take a lot of work to improve efficiency.

The National Ignition Facility fired a fuel pellet with two million joules of laser energy - about the amount of power needed to run a hair dryer for 15 minutes. The National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is the world's first commercial-scale fusion power plant. Its output of two million joules is 50 times that of the next most powerful laser on the planet. The efficiency of the system could be greatly improved by using more powerful lasers and making them in ways that use less energy.

Thanks and Enjoy 🔥 🔥
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