Era Of Degeneracy: Laodicea of Revelation 3:14-22 That's Us

2 years ago

1st Corinthians 3:2 “I gave you milk, not solid food for you were not ready for it. Indeed you are still not ready.” To look around and honestly asses the state of the church at large, one must acknowledge the degenerated nature of our current state. We have collectively thrown away all the advancement of our brothers in Philadelphia for the pathetic, lukewarm mess we live in today. “Church” as it’s understood today is more an emotional experience with little to no actual “solid food” like Paul stated to the Corinthians and it’s only accelerating forward into the Tribulation at this point. We are the 1st generation “spit out of His Mouth” and for a very good(yet extremely sad) reason: we have more going for us than EVER to learn and grow in the Word yet instead we wallow in self indulgence and revelry.

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