Somebody That I Used To Know -- A Farewell to Jacinda Ardern

1 year ago

Well, my muse has finally left the building, not before time. Since the brilliant news of her resignation, I have been trying to find the right song to send her off. I finally found it in Gotye and Kimbra's "Somebody That I Used To Know". Enjoy!

Some Poli That I Used To Know.
New lyrics and performance by Anto Coates, February 2023.

Now and then I think of when you were in power,
Like when you told us if we gathered we would die,
You started governing by decree,
Removed bodily autonomy,
But that was Covid, a headache if I remember.

You can get addicted to a certain kind of madness,
The road to hell is paved with good intent,
And even when your rules did not make sense,
When you’d lost the country’s confidence,
You still could not admit it was over.

But you didn’t have to cut me off,
Take our freedom and our businesses like it was nothing,
I don’t even have a runny nose
But you treat me like a danger and it feels so rough
No you didn’t have to stoop so low,
Have your friends turn on the sprinklers and the Macarena
Guessing I don’t need that though,
Now you’re just some Poli that I used to know.

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
Demonising farmers while cheering on the gangs,
But I don’t want to live that way
Scanning into every damn cafe
You thought that I would let it go but I’m here to tell you something that you definitely need to know…

You didn’t have to cut and run,
shut the barn door now that the horse has bolted,
And I don’t even read your lies
but you treat me like a child and I’ve had enough,
But you didn’t have to slink away,
A hasty exit to avoid your own humiliation,
Guessing I don’t need that though,
Now you’re just some Poli that I used to know.
Now you’r e just some Poli that I used to know

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