America’s Corrupt Influence in Ukraine Exposed! Is Russia’s Next Move the Removal of Zelensky?

2 years ago

America’s Corrupt Influence in Ukraine Exposed! Is Russia’s Next Move the Military Removal of Zelensky? - FULL SHOW - 02-02-2023

The situation is becoming clearer with the war in Ukraine on the brink of ramping up. With the Biden corruption and Zelensky, Ukraine connection, it appears Putin and Russia may be preparing to go for broke in Ukraine against the Western Military Industrial Complex and the Biden crime family. Patrick Howley joins in the transmission to discuss his bombshell exclusive which is Government agents discussing how they track and trace Americans who didn’t take a covid vaccine. Meanwhile, the newest Project Veritas video with the Pfizer executive might be the biggest bombshell of them all. Owen also highlights the recent deranged behavior from Democrats in Congress.

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