so sad what people will do when insecure (studying america for 37 yrs...)

2 years ago

really glad that i saw this bread truck behind me
i was fixin to back into it...good thing i looked back in time
details that don't seem important to anybody else
what seems important to other people i casually disgard
this is what i do when i get bored
obvious obstacles in front of me (or behind me)
at least these obstacles i can see and understand
if you have no perception then you can't receive God and satan will deceive you
all too common for your avg american
"freedom" is a joke
what is wrong w. this world/yours truly
i wanna get to the bottom of everything and understand it
we love you carl, carl meows at me
...positive behavioral changes are hard to come by
political party or sports team (so true!)
not positive or interesting stuff
stuff that makes you very similar to everybody else
can the self-driving car also play keyboard
i never learned piano anywhere but behind the wheel
i can't follow directions hahaha
always had musician friends/boyfriends
i never thought i could actually make music
discovered Orthodoxy thru the back door as well as everything else
after i quit smoking cigarettes i realized i was a comedian
i still am a smoker i smoke the wooden sticks
i was always interested in these particular art forms but never expected this to happen
this ongoing polemical musical is so necessary right now
they got everyone to subject themselves to the ultimate dumb down
nobody's processing memory or emotion like they should *amygdala
it felt like 10min okay
thank you mercedez? prime example of what you should do
turn it off, it's over you made a decision
i guess we weren't supposed to keep that particular series of thoughts
i'm used to five min and tonight i got fifteen
rebel bar, so twin kegs 2 but with confederate flags
kelsey is from polaski hahaha
plenty of blacks w/ emotional maturity
they don't wanna waste their $ on stupid bullshit
my race can't wait to be a guinea pig for somebody
i might be stuck in traffic for an hour...let's just see (next video)

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