Women's sexual rights in ISLAM mental stimulation, foreplay and rhythm

2 years ago

Follow along easily with Time stamps below
or even skip to the parts you want to listen to. I would recommend watching the full video to understand the bigger picture. 🤯

0:00 - Frustrated in a sexless marriage?

0:11 - You’ve expressed your feelings to your husband

0:20 - Narcissistic muslim men shaming wife for having sexual needs

0:29 - why do Narcissistic Muslim men shames their wife for having sexual needs?

0:47 - My experience having been married to a narcissist

04:07 - Sex is the foundation of a healthy marriage

05:38 - Direct solutions (how to deal with not having your sexual needs met)

05:47 - Allah has created you with this innate sexual need

05:57 - Sexual intimacy and orgasm is a woman’s RIGHT in ISLAM

07:17 - The rewards of fulfilling the wife’s needs

07:37 - Men are Al qawwam (providers of our basic needs)

08:34 - Men and women have different biological needs

09:14 - Women take longer to orgasm

09:49 - Sex without foreplay can cause injury

10:29 - Wife needs to orgasm first before the husband does

10:43 - The prophet (PBUH) address to the men about women orgasming first

11:43 - Sisters take ownership of your own sexual desires

13:17 - Direct him during sex about your needs and wants

14:29 - Your husband is responsible for fulfilling your sexual needs

15:23 - Narcissistic muslim husbands being selfish in the bedroom

15:40 - Do not start sex if he hasn’t prepared you

15:53 - Mental stimulation

17:28 - Importance of Foreplay

18:27 - stimulation of the clit

21:08 - Women’s Orgasm

22:39 - Rhythm (pacing the act of penetrative sex)

23:32 - Summary

26:23 - Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuhu

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