5,000 year old bar/tavern discovered with food and ancient refrigerator…

1 year ago

5,000 year old bar/tavern discovered with food and ancient refrigerator…

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When Holly Pittman and colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania and University of Pisa returned to Lagash in the fall of 2022 for a fourth season, they knew they’d find more than ceramic fragments and another kiln. With high-tech tools in hand, the team precisely located trenches to excavate a variety of features of a non-elite urban neighborhood from one of southwest Asia’s earliest cities. What surprised the researchers most was the large “tavern” they uncovered, complete with benches, a type of clay refrigerator called a “zeer,” an oven, and the remains of storage vessels, many of which still contained...
Source: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/lagash-southern-iraq-site-unearthing-archaeological-passing-time

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