case study of the 'DAYS OF NOAH' to come - [PREPARE!] (Job 27:20, Psm 29:10, Rev 12:15)

2 years ago

Jesus is the only way through this storm.
Job 22: 16
They were snatched away before their time, and their foundations were swept away by a flood.
Job 27:20
Terror overwhelms them like a flood, and they are blown away in the storms of the night.
Psm 29:10
The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
Psm 69:2
Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can’t find a foothold. I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me.
Psm 93:3
The floods have risen up, O LORD. The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves.
Nahum 1:8
But he will sweep away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He will pursue his foes into the darkness of night.
Is 54:9
To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.
Dan 9:26
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Mt 7:26, 27
But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell— and great was its collapse!”
Mt 24:37-39
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. 39And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man
Lk 6:47-49
I will show you what he is like who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them: 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid his foundation on the rock. When the flood came, the torrent crashed against that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears My words and does not act on them is like a man who built his house on ground without a foundation. The torrent crashed against that house, and immediately it fell—and great was its destruction!
Lk 17:26-28
Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man: 27People were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. 28It was the same in the days of Lot: People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.
I Pet 3:20
to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,
II Pet 2:5
And God did not spare the ancient world—except for Noah and the seven others in his family. Noah warned the world of God’s righteous judgment. So God protected Noah when he destroyed the world of ungodly people with a vast flood.
Rev 12:15
Then the dragon tried to drown the woman with a flood of water that flowed from his mouth.
Non-Anonymous Charity (channels)
Episode List
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