Mill Creek View Tennessee Podcast EP48 Larry Linton Interview & More Feb 2 2023

2 years ago

Join us as we interview Larry Linton, blogger, podcaster and founder of Larry lives by the constitution and believes the government should as well. Larry ran for office and didn’t win but has taken the lessons and knowledge he gained and is now educating people about the importance of becoming active in local government. He launched his website and podcast as a means expanding on this. Larry isn’t afraid to call out the turn coats and showcase the inroads Marxism Hs played in every realm of our society. This is a lively discussion you’ll want to hear and pass along to all your friends. Bottom line, apathy kills freedom, its time people get off the couch and get activated and this episode is a great place to start.

Of course we cover the latest happenings in our ever popular Steve and Steve segment and a whole lot more. If you like what you hear make sure to subscribe to the show and share it with your friends. You can find us at and

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