2 years ago

The book THE BLACK AWAKENING: Rise of the satanic super soldiers and the coming chaos is a very unique book. Its is a combination of 26 years plus of investigative research, engaging demons, satanic powers, satanic chosen ones 'super soldiers', biblical studies and insight of biblical prophecy that has not been spoken of or written about.
This book includes

An overview of the rise of dark deception 2Thess. 2
The rise of Satanic Ritual Abuse globally
The process of creating sub personalities
Programmed Shooters MK-Ultra Monarch Mind Control
The Master Race agenda from the Nazis
The infiltration of the Church and society
Dark satanic rituals in High Places
The rise of the Antichrist and his troops
The weaponization of demonic powers
The real reason for Armageddon R1919
The coming fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy and so much more

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