Daily Chess play - 1407 - Frustrated so I played 10 games

2 years ago

First game, After a lot of mistakes, I was down 2 pawns and a Knight. We got into this position where he had his pawn up on my King and he was letting me take his pieces. I could have played that a lot better. He checkmates me.

Second game, Even trades but I do like my structure better. I managed to get a Rook with Bishop on d1. After a some more trades I end up with a slight advantage with Rook to Bishop. I force the trade of Queens and get my pawns promoted first. Opponent resigns.

Third game, We didn't trade pieces until move 12. We both castled on the same side and we both proceeded attacking each other's castle. I think I did a great move by taking pawn on g7. I don't think he can do anything about it. He then blunders his Queen on h4 and resigns.

Fourth game, We were even until he moved his Bishop to e4. I took his Queen which will let me take his Bishop for free. Opponent resigned.

Fifth game, Even game until he moved his Queen on d4. I miss the Queen take and instead put Bishop on f6 to attack the Queen sigh... Opponent resigned so lucky me but I am getting blind to hung pieces.

Sixth game, My opponent made a lot of mistakes. He basically let me take many pieces for free. Later he gets his Queen and Rook forked on b3. Opponent resigned.

Seventh game, Even trades but I got my pawns eaten. Moved the wrong pawn I think. Lost eventually when he got his pawns promoted.

Eighth game, Even trades until I moved my Queen right into a Knight. Did not look promising. Then I make a lot more mistakes and lose the game.

Ninth game, After a series of trades, ended up with 1 pawn down. Opponent blunders after I move Rook to e3. He should have just promoted and I would be down a Rook. Ended up winning this game.

Tenth game, Made a mistake and lost a few pawns by mid game. I managed to fork Knight and Queen to get some adantage back but then I get forked as well the 2 Rooks. I just charged ahead to get my pawn promoted. I pushed my pawn to a5 which he can't take but he does and hangs his Queen. Opponent resigns.

Sorry again for the long video. I just wanted to play some more Chess as I was pretty frustrated from the last couple of days. Probably that high feeling of being past 1400 then falling down to 1350s. I am back over 1400 which feels good still =). Lots to learn and improve. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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