Truth be Told: Manchester 31st January 2023 - Part 7: The Outreach and Packing Up

2 years ago

The legacy media has been hijacked by the pharmaceutical industry, Gates and governments worldwide. They will never acknowledge what has happened, but we can.

"While data is suppressed it is not possible to quantify the extent of harm but the extent can’t remain hidden forever. Whatever figure is finally put on it, it will be too high for an intervention that many of the injured did not need and which was oversold in terms of its ability to prevent infection. Whatever figure is reached, those who are injured deserve compensation and the companies who have profited do not deserve indemnity."

"Tucker Carlson: Media Ignoring Project Veritas’ ‘Bombshell’ Story Reveals Big Pharma’s Bizarre Grip on America"

"No fact-checkers have tried to refute the story, and the reason of course is they have no clue as to how to respond. If this was planned, of course they would have had their scripts already. As of yet there is only a single fact-check, by Newsweek, a weak and inconclusive one... "

"Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda"

The month of January 2023 has been dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the vaccine injured and bereaved. Manchester is the 6th event held in their honour and to give them a voice. There are likely to be more events in March in different towns and cities around the country, so keep an eye on the covileaks website for information about those.

For more information see:

"CoviLeaks; based in the UK and Founded by Fiona Hine in June 2020, was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 'pandemic'."

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion:

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