Jan 20, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... The coming Conflagration, EVERYTHING will burn, Skyscrapers, Forests etc.

2 years ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus explains…
The coming Conflagration – Everything will burn… Skyscrapers, Forests etc.

January 20, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord be with you and bless you and keep your hearts steady, in His will and in His peace… Amen.

Jesus began… “Come unto Me all of you who are weary and I will give rest unto your souls, drawing you tenderly under My wings with the breath of My Spirit rustling your hair and coming to rest upon you, with renewed anointing.”

“I understand well the tensions of this time and how little is being spoken about the looming events. Even that I have orchestrated. Yes, many will be totally taken off guard and surprised, but I will be there to catch them and reassure them of My Love and protection.”

“Those who perish in these events will not even know what hit them. One moment they are on Earth struggling through their days, the next moment caught up with Me in the clouds. All is prepared and awaiting the trumpet blast…but much havoc will proceed the time of your great catching up.”

“I wish for My faithful ones who are living at ground zero, My Breath will surround and sustain you in those moments and your only awareness will be the freedom from Earth you will suddenly experience, and then My presence, My comforting arms, My welcoming smile. Oh, you have waited all so very long for these days to arrive. You have prayed and cried, you have feared and released your fears into My hands. You have watched, waited and prepared, praying for others for so very long.”

“Some of you will have many crowns for your faithfulness, all of you will have watchers crowns for your vigilance. Instantly you will be caught up into the heavenlies from a life of wearisome toil and delayed expectations.”

“For those who are not at ground zero, do not allow yourselves to be terrorized by events occurring in other regions, for I will catch you up into My waiting arms lest you experience the torments of the evil ones responsible for these weapons of mass destruction.”

(Clare) Lord, there has been talk of comets and they are in the Scriptures. How do they fit into this?

(Jesus) “What you speak of will be a tempest beyond your ability to understand. Fire raining down from the Heavens in such a powerful display there will be no place to hide. Everything will be set on fire, from skyscrapers to forests. The deluge of fire will burn the Earth as never before. Understand this will be a necessary purification from the contaminants man has spoiled the Earth with. These elements will blaze and burn away and from the new growth will spring what I would like to call a perpetual Eden, good for the next thousand years until Satan again rallies his forces against Me.”

“But I am giving many men another chance. Do you understand, My Sweet Love? Many were simply ignorant of the evil one’s doings in their lives… and ignorant of My true nature. So, some will be spared to be given another chance to live with their offspring and resist the draw of evil as Satan is loosed in the last of the thousand years of My reign.”

(Clare) Lord, when will these signs appear in the sky?

(Jesus) “Soon My Beloved, very, very soon. But I have made known to you, you will not be caught in these tempestuous events from the East. I will deliver you and set you on high long before that moment comes for your region. I cannot emphasize enough the prayers I want to go forth for the lost while there is yet time for them to repent.”

(Clare) At that point, guys, I started to doubt and rearrange thoughts in my head to suit what I know from before, especially about New York City, and the bomb, tsunamis and comets. Oh, my. So many different things have been said about that. But the Lord’s only told me about a bomb. I repented and said, ‘Lord, in no way do I want to speak words that are not from You. Forgive me, I want only to be faithful to Your words.’

Tears were welling up in His eyes and I saw fire falling from the heavens over the Earth through the reflection in His eyes. He answered my unspoken question…

(Jesus) “Things will happen simultaneously, Clare… nuclear war, holocaust, unprecedented natural disasters precipitated by man’s foolishness. It will happen simultaneously. Remember what I told you about Miami? That will only be the tip of the iceberg, if even that.”

(Clare) ‘But I don’t see how anything could survive… pockets of technology, and that kind of thing.’

(Jesus) “Some utilities will continue without logical explanation for My purposes, others will be non-existent.”

(Clare) Well, I was under the impression that there would be war and then the new world government with all its regulations and controls.

(Jesus) “Yes, what is planned will precipitate that reign.”

(Clare) So, then much of technology must remain for that to function?

(Jesus) “There will be whole areas of the country that are uninhabitable, but people will be quickly rounded up into controlled areas and make-shift housing near where the devastation hits. Other areas of the country will continue to function almost as normal. Yet connections to the world will be greatly hindered because of the key points that are targeted, for they are in the center of communication networks.”

(Clare) Lord, why do I feel so disconnected from all of this?

(Jesus) “I have put a wedge of protection in your heart, Clare, lest you see, feel and crumble. But I will assure you of this, it will happen very quickly.”

“There is no preparation for this, My People, but prayer. Yes, one can prepare and take measures for the body, but the impact on souls will be horrendous and without remedy. Nonetheless, My Mercy will be afoot and will not fail those who call out to Me.”

“You see, many will shake their fists at Me and curse Me and My People. Others will fall to their knees and beg Mercy. For these I shall be the great Eagle that tucks them under My wings of mercy. For the rest, I will be as an acid rain falling on their beings. It is entirely a choice up to you People of the Earth, it is entirely your choice. I will abandon no one who calls upon Me. No not one soul will perish who puts their trust in Me.”

“Do not be afraid, do not despair, keep your eyes on Me and the eastern horizon. I am coming for you, My people. I am coming.”

(Clare) I remember about 22 years ago, I was shown something like fireworks shooting up into Heaven. Bombs had gone off and these fireworks just shot straight up into Heaven. It was explained to me that they were the souls of those caught up to God in the conflagration. And even at that time, I was told they would not suffer. Then the Lord added to this and said…

(Jesus) “Clare, don’t let the reports and prophecies of others confuse you. I have established you in the truth. You know Me, trust Me alone and none other. This is why I have asked you not to look into the prophecies of others, lest you be corrupted and thrown into confusion. You must be an example to your flock and not go searching for prophecies in other places, but rest peacefully in what I have given you. Your hope will NOT be disappointed.”

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