Bartholomew by The Silent Comedy ~ The Opening Song of Truth for the series, Goliath

1 year ago

This amazing song is the Opening for Season One of the series, Goliath, featuring Billy Bob Thornton, and the show utilizes this song for obvious reasons, as it takes on precisely what is wrong in our Lives, Falling and Sinning, endlessly, and then what is necessary to be absolved of our Sins, so that we may Rise once more UP into the Kingdom of Heaven...

But, here's the better best believe boy there's gonna be HELL to pay for all of our Sinning, and then the other other aspect of this song makes it so clear that whether U want to know it or not, we are ALL going to come to learn the TRUTH, and then be forced to deal with the consequences of believing in all of the Lies over the years uncounted...

As we All come to the Gates of Judgment at this pinnacle moment of our Fallen history, we must cleanse ourselves before God by wading into His River of Righteousness, and then build our own Path Up into Heaven by choosing to wear the Full Armor of God, by Standing Tall before Evil in every moment, Free to HELP others along their own arduous paths so that they may come to God's Strait and Narrow is the achievement of these A.R.K's and this Passion to become a Warrior for God, which is Righteousness, that leads us past Judgment, and into Heaven...and this is RISING within the Inner Fire of God to achieve Christ Consciousness, Purity; thus, becoming ABEL to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven...

And this song is literally perfect as a representation of the character, Billy McBride, in the show Goliath, as he willingly gave up a seat at the Vast table of Satan for all the Right reasons, and then embarks on a journey of helping others so that he may find Wisdom and Salvation on his own journey to God...Rising Up out of the Maritime Admiralty Law Waters, to Walk Upon the Water, as Christ did, as a Sovereign Man Penitent before we grow and grow and GROW in our Stature, so that we may Stamp out Evil wherever it appears, always doing what is RIGHT, Not Easy, so that all may find this Strait Path that leads to God...

The band, The Silent Comedy, are a very, very enlightened group, that creates songs of great Wisdom and Awareness, and their album, Common Faults, which features this song, Bartholomew, is quite literally a step-by-step journey, helping us to look at our True selves in the face, so that we may choose to disavow the Ego, for Goodliness found in the Right Hemisphere of our Brains...

Enjoy this amazing song!

So, sit back, relax, open your MIND, and FEEL what the message to this song is sharing with U, that God is Love and that Love is WITHIN U as your Foundational Core...and Please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 66 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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