Revelation | Pt. 15 Let The Trumpets Sound

2 years ago

Revelation 8:1
It goes from all the angels in heaven praising God to total silence
There is an intense expectancy of what is about to take place as well as reverence here
Revelation 8:2-4
Notice how significant the prayers of God's people are
Why are our prayers so significant?
We are members of God's divine council
Who makes up the council? Angels, Cherubim, seraphim, elders, humans and the devil
The prayers of the Saints are very precious before the Lord
How often should we pray?
Ephesians 6 = Armor of God (we need to put our armon on)
Ephesians 6:18
Involve God in everything
He hears all of them: His response is yes, no or wait
The Martyrs in Revelation 6 prayed for God to avenge their blood
Remember that vengeance belongs to the Lord not us
Revelation 8:5-7
Most Biblical scholars agree that the concentration of this devastation will be in the Middle East and I'll explain why here later on but remember at the center of biblical prophecy is not America but Israel
What we just read, when it takes place will be a fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel
Joel 2:30-32
Now notice that limits are placed upon the judgement 1/3 of the trees and then all green grass
In the midst of it there is still an opportunity for repentance
Imagine this devastation ecological
The tree huggers are going to lose their minds
Romans tells us in the end people will worship the creation over the Creator; we are seeing that
With this first trumpet blast it will directly affect food supplies, the economy and the health of all people
Revelation 8:8-9
More than likely a massive astroid into the Mediterranean sea
Water to blood
This is also similar to what happened in Egypt in the book of Exodus
Imagine the stench of death; 1/3 of sea creatures are dead
Trees do not make up most of our oxygen
Oceanic Plankton provide 50%-80% of oxygen
1/3 of ships causes a supply chain crises
Approximately 50,000 ships on the sea today
Revelation 8:10-11
Another meteorite that strikes fresh water turning it bitter like wormwood which is bitter herb
Revelation 8:12-13
Things are really bad and the eagle warns they are only to get worse: some translate the word eagle here as angel which could be correct but the Greek word is eagle
Revelation 9:1
Who is this star?
Most believe this star is Satan because of the next verse and Luke 10:18
Others believe this star is a great angel with much authority and authority over the abyss
That star could be an angel with great authority or could be satan
Does Satan have access to heaven? Yes
He is on God's Divine council
Let’s talk about God’s Divine Council
Genesis 28:12-13
This is Jacob's first encounter with the Lord
Jacob is the 1st person in the Bible to see into heaven and he sees into heaven not while he is praying, not while he is worshipping, not while he is serving but while he's sleeping through his discomfort
We learn something here about heaven and how God and his angels operate
Notice they are ascending and descending
God's Divine Council
Psalm 82:1
Psalm 89:5-7
Who is on the council?
We know angels are, cherubim are, many other creatures are including humans
Satan also has a role on God's divine council
Job 1:6-11
More here about satan than anywhere else
Satan means accuser
He accuses God's people day and night
Revelation 12:10
One day he will be hurled down but for now he accuses
The devil accuses the best of us; Jesus saves the worst of us
Satan is not the halloween costume; he would like for you to think he is
He is the most beautiful angel God ever created
Satan has a personality; intellect and emotion
He has access to heaven
"Where have you been" - God
"Roaming around" - Satan
He doesn't roam without a purpose
1st Peter 5:8
The devil is not omnipresent like God
Not in Africa and America at the same time
But can go from Africa to America in a moment
There is a real devil, but there is also a real God
The devil might be roaming the earth but the angels are ascending and descending
The angels work on behalf of the Lord to carry out the plans and promises of God
God gives satan this key to open the abyss
Abyss is where the worst of the worst
Demons beg Jesus not to be cast into abyss but instead pigs
Revelation 9:2-6
Evidently pain killers will be of no use
This is awful and seems chaotic and overwhelming but recognize they can do nothing except by God's permission
Cannot attack the environment, can only torment not kill humans who do not have the seal and are limited to 5 months
They are on God's leash like every other demon
This army of wicked spirits will be led by a King
Revelation 9:7-12
We cannot be dogmatic who this King demon is but more than likely satan
Revelation 9:12-21
The demons are located at a specific place
Modern day Iraq
Ancient Babylon same place as Tower of Babel which is where ancient star worship began

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