Federal Reserve Chair News Conference

2 years ago

FEBRUARY 1, 2023
Federal Reserve Chair News Conference
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell announced another interest rate hike to address inflation and intimated additional increases are likely in the future. Chair Powell spoke about the economic outlook, the increase and other new monetary policy actions at a news conference in Washington, D.C. He also weighed in on the debt ceiling debate, saying there is “only one way forward,” for Congress to increase it. He stressed any other actions would be “highly risky” to the U.S. economy.

Breitbart Business Digest: Market Tells Fed to Drop Dead
by JOHN CARNEY | 1 Feb 2023 | 79
"Jerome Powell fumbled his first press conference of the year.

Financial conditions have become much easier by almost every metric over the past three months. Equities prices have soared, bond yields have dropped, and mortgage rates are down to the point that homebuilders are sounding optimistic. Financial asset prices imply that the Fed is unlikely to get the federal funds rate above five percent and very likely to cut the benchmark rate later this year.
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