Pisces New Moon Feb 20 '23 Astrology, Affirmations and Harmonies #astrology #pisces #newmoon #sound

1 year ago

https://www.soundworksbygehl.com A few days before the Pisces New Moon a grand cross between the Taurus-Scorpio nodes and the USA’s Leo-Aquarius nodes brings up important karmic themes. We have to decide if we want to “feed the wolf” from the past or the one that beckons us toward our North Node destiny. At the Pisces New Moon, we have the opportunity to dream a new world into being. Imagine what we can do together as one vibration, one people living in harmony with Earth and all her beings.

For an in depth astrology reading visit: https://soundworksbygehl.com/astrology-readings/
For Jennifer's books on planetary science visit: https://www.innertraditions.com/books/the-return-of-planet-sedna
Affirmations and Harmonies Timestamp 10:00
Sun/NM/Neptune -Pisces New Moon:
As I dream and imagine the New Earth into being, I dissolve all karmic debris from my past.

Sun/NM/Saturn (conjunction):
New and innovative systems now pierce through the veil of illusion and manifest in the lives of those who serve the greater good.

Sun/NM/Sedna (square):
As I consciously hold the vision for a unified world, I find myself in the flow of ever increasing abundance.

Sun/NM/Uranus (quintile):
Diversity within unity is a universal truth revealed within Nature’s infinite variety, yet not one creature expects another to behave according to its own way of life.

Sun/NM/Pluto (trine to South Node):
I recognize that I alone have the power to transform my life and transcend beyond duality, karma, and suffering.

Mercury/Mars/Jupiter (trine/sextile):
The manner in which I assert my independence and express myself is in service to higher consciousness.

Mercury/Mars/Chiron (trine/sextile):
The manner in which I assert my independence and express myself is in service to healing the collective.

Mercury/Uranus (square):
Spontaneous downloads and sudden epiphanies awaken the universal truth that we are not just citizens of Earth, we are also citizens of the cosmos.

Venus/Neptune (conjunction):
At the heart of every human soul is the desire to know love and experience divine presence.

Venus/Pluto/Sedna (sextile and trine):
The only power that can heal, transform, and transcend fear is love, and the only love that can be extended to another is that which the Self has already received.

Pluto/Neptune/Sedna (sextile and trine):
Power can’t be measured by how many people one influences; it can only be measured by how many people one serves.

Saturn/Sedna (square):
The more people realize their own inner wisdom and integrity, the more the world will know greater peace and prosperity.

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