Revelation | Pt. 8 The Church of Philadelphia

2 years ago

Today = Philadelphia
Church in Philadelphia
Eastern border city
Built by King Eumenes II for his brother
Philadelphia = Love for a brother
Important city because it was the doorway to the eastern world
Very wealthy until 17AD
20 yrs of earthquakes
People decided to live outside the city
Revelation 3:7-13
What is the Key of david?
Isaiah 22:22
Key of david is one who has been given access to the King's treasure
Jesus is ultimate King and key holder
Jesus has many keys
The Keys Of Jesus (on TV screens)
Keys to the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19)
Key of Knowledge (Luke 11:52)
Key to death and hell (Revelation 1:18)
Key of David (Revelation 3:7)
Key to the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:1)
Key to the abyss (Revelation 20:1)
Jesus is the ultimate key keeper
He can open and close doors others can not
When the Lord opens = walk through
When the Lord closes = trust
I want to talk about open not closed doors
You will soon experience unlikely doors beginning to open
Unlikely favor
One day of God's favor 1000 days of hard labor
God can do more in a moment than we can in a lifetime
God being for you is greater than the whole world being against you
Don't have to be BIG for God to open a BIG door
God is BIG enough to open the door
You just have to walk through
Woman and the flood story
Walk through the door!
God may not perform the miracle the way you expect
Peter and disciples fishing with no luck
Jesus says cast your nets one more time on the other side
Too many fish to handle
Release your nets and get ready for the open door
Get this: Philadelphia was youngest and smallest church
But the only one the Lord opened a door for
It was a door for spreading the Gospel to the east
God is going to open doors for you to share the Gospel with friends and family
How many people have you shared your faith with this year?
This is the perfect time to share Good News in the midst of all the bad news
Remember the earthquakes?
Jesus says, "Hold fast and walk through the open door and I will make you pillar in the Kingdom"
Everything else in Philadelphia was shaking but those that held fast would be unshakeable pillars
These last few years everything that can be shaken has
If we will hold fast to our faith and walk through the open doors we wil be pillars as well
3 ways to walk through the open door of evangelism

1. Love Fiercely

Mark 5:1-5
Guy is in bad shape
Demon-possed living in graveyard
Jesus shows us something
He goes to this man
Not random but on purpose
Gerasenes was on the other side of the Sea of Galilee
Not a place Jews went
Jesus went because he loved the unlovable and reached the unreachable
Loved so much He was willing to have a detour
Are you willing to cross the lake?
What are we willing do to as a church to walk through the open door to reach people?
Try something new?
We like our traditions
Mother teaching daughter how to cook ham
We have larger pans; use the whole ham
We love our traditions more than people
Jesus changed his traditional way of travel to love this guy
Gospel is about going to them not them coming to us
You cant Take the Go out of the Gospel

2. Give Courageously

Mark 5:6-13:
Jesus gave of himself yo set this man free
Allowed demons to go into pigs
Whats the big deal about nasty smelly pigs?
Pigs = Economy
Jesus values a persons soul more than an economy
God is willing to sink an economy to save a soul
Sometimes our priorities are out of line
Need to align our priorities with God
God wants us to walk through the open door to reach people because there is a real heaven and real hell
If God is willing to give His son what are you willing to give?
Only one thing both God and the devil are after = souls
Devil isn't after money or cars but souls
We can't take the boat with us to heaven but we can take our neighbor
I want the devil and all of hell to celebrate when I die
How are you using your time, talent and treasure to advance the kingdom of God?
Jesus tells parable of rich man who leaves bags of gold to 3 employees
5 bags, 2 bags and 1 bag
Matthew 25:24-28 s
He was paraylzed with fear
Burying your talent does not please God
Gift to sing? Sing
Gift to inspire? Inspire
God will ask how did you use what I gave you?
Go get the bag of gold out of the ground
What if I fail?
To arrive at your greatest destiny you will travel through your greatest fear
Story of Moses
Prince of Egypt, called to deliver, premature strike, hides in failure
Burning bush call
"Who am I to do this?"
"I AM who I AM" aka doesn't matter who are what matters is who I AM

3. Live Differently

Mark 5:18-20
Why were they amazed? He was different
We were all once like this man
Our story will amaze people of what God has done
Make the great commision your mission
Are you thankful someone reached out to you?
You are rescued to help rescue others


Close - What if everyone at Sheridan was like you?
What makes a great church?
Pastor, worship team, kids program?
Great people make a great church

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