Revelation | Pt. 2 - I Fell Like Dead

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Revelation 1:1
Revelation = Apokalupsis (apocalypse)
KALUPSIS - to cover, curtain, veil
APO - away, off
APOKALUPSIS - take away the cover, curtain or veil
Revelation is to see something NEW that has always been there
John will see Jesus as he has never seen Him before
Primary relation of the Book of Revelation = Jesus
Revelation 1:1-8
The peoples of the earth will mourn; it's the Great & Terrible Day of the Lord
Daniel 7:13
Cloud? = Great Cloud of Witnesses
Revelation 1:9-10
Lord's Day = Sunday?
KURIAKOS - Imperial Day to worship the Emperor
Once a month everyone was required to worship the Emperor and confess that Caesar is Lord
Was = Ginomai
GINOMAI - taken by surprise
This surprised John; he was not looking for this
Trumpet in the Bible = Declaration
Revelation 1:11
Why these 7 churches?
Ephesus = largest church in the ancient world
Planted by Paul in 52 ad
Paul stayed there for 2 years
Ephesus was important because it was a port city and the gateway to Asia
These 7 churches are chosen because they probably represent the struggles that all churches face from time to time
Christ says to all 7 churches in chapter 2-3 = "I know your works"
Know = Oida
OIDA - to see; personal observation
works = erga
ERGA - all activities
Christ observes all activities in His church
Revelation 1:12-13
What are the 7 golden lampstands?
7 Lampstands = 7 churches
LUCHNIA - oil burning lamp
Each lamp was handmade; no two the same (no two churches are the same)
Lamp was full of oil that kept the light going
We as a church are to full of the oil of the HS so our light continues to shine in darkness
Lamps of that day were made of clay
These lamps that represent the church are gold
Gold = most valuable item in the Roman world
The Church is beyond valuable to Christ
Among the lamps was someone like the son of man
Among = Mesos
MESOS - in the very center
Christ is at the center of His church
Revelation 1:13-16
There is so much here about who Jesus is
But what did John notice first among all these things?
Garment to the feet
This is what the High Priest would have worn as described in Exodus 28
Jesus is our Great High Priest who prays for us
Very interesting how the feet were uncovered and like bronze
Bronze in OT = represents judgement
Before John notices the bronze feet of judgement, He notices the robe from head to feet signify Jesus as our High Priest
Around chest = Golden Sash (Gold Belt)
Kings wore a sash around them from waist to chest depending on size of kingdom and wealth
They would have strands of gold
The belt around Jesus' chest is solid gold
Philippians 4:19
Christ is beyond wealthy
Jesus is our King-Priest
Hair was white like wool, as white as snow
Portrays his glory and how majestic his appearance is
With eyes like blazing fire
Ever look into a fire?
John could not escape being captivated by the eyes of Jesus
His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace = VERY significant
Bonze = Chalkolibano
CHALKOS - brass or bronze (represents judgement)
LIBANOS - frankincense (represnts prayer in Holy of Holies)
Strabge word
CHALKOLIBANO - bronze doused with frankincense
Picture of judgement doused with prayer
Jesus is coming as judge
Christ is coming with judgement but He is not in a rush
Bronze - heavy metal, hard to move and slow to move
Christ moves patiently in His judgement
He gives us time to repent
2nd Peter 3:3-9
Get the Revelation of Jesus = His judgement which is coming, is patient and doused with prayer by Him who is our Great High Priest
God is so merciful and gives us time to repent but there does come a day when His judgement is enacted
Feet like bronze glowing in furnace means his judgement is NOT set or permanent just yet; there is still time to repent
His voice was like the sound of rushing waters
John lived on the Island of Patmos - would have heard the loud waters
When Christ speaks no else can be heard; His voice is that powerful
In his right hand he held seven stars
Right hand = position of authority
Held - firm grip
7 stars have power and authority
What are the 7 stars?
Angel = Angelos
ANGELOS - messenger; heavenly or earthly
In this case the translation owuld be earlthy; referring to the Pastors of these 7 churches
Notice that the Pastors belong to Christ
Pastors are a gift from Jesus to His church
Pastors are also accountable to Christ as well
Coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword
Sword - Romphaia
ROMPHAIA - deadly sword
Christ comes with his sword to protect His church from deadly viruses
His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance
So glorious John couldn't look into it just like the Sun
What did John see? He saw God
Revelation 1:17-18
Principle here: Better we understand who Jesus is the quicker we will drop to our knees in submission to Him
The more we submit to Him the more He will reveal to us
“It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound and our inward attitudes right while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate” – A.W. Tozer

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