1 year ago

The Vaccinated Are Getting AIDS Deaths in Germany Surge 276% as the Immunocompromised are dying.

Judy Mikovits - Covid-19 was Premeditated Murder with all the inoculations being designed for the pandemic of 2020.

Directed Evolution - Pfizer has been creating viral variants designed to sterilize as they attack the Testes and Ovaries.

Vaccination is NOT Immunization it is Extermination and Sterilization.

Dr. Judy Mikovits had the Evidence but they framed her, discredited her and put her in jail. Read her book "Plague of Corruption", it explains everything and how evil Fauci really is.

Dr. Mikovits says: "We're not giving up until every one of them swings in Nuremberg 2.0."

This Plandemic was Infection by Injection from the beginning.

How were people getting sick before the Covid Injection?

It was by other injections/jabs. Judy says the Monkey Virus has been in EVERY Polio Vax since 2004.

They made the Bioweapon which was Humanized (made transmissible from Bats/Mice to Humans) at Fort Detrick for the purpose of making it spread/shed better and kill better.

They are spreading it through the air, food and water and can be activated (turned on) by 5-G by the Graphene Oxide which is in all the Flu Shots, the Shingles Shots, all the infant and child shots. All jabs are now contaminated and untested.

The covid jab bioweapon was INTENDED to create Vaxccine AIDS.

They now want ALL Vaxcines to be mRNA so with Directed Evolution all they have to do is change a Code to Target a specific population like whites or blacks, it is a Bioweapon in which they can control from their knowledge of the human DNA. They are now effective SMART BOMBS - the new (WMD's) - Weapons of Mass Destruction.

What works against this Bioweapon?

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. As well as the non prescriptions such as L-lysine, Elderberry Flu Syrup, Vit C, tinctures like Cat's Claw, Goldenseal, Licorice Root and Lemon Balm.

HIV was the first Bioweapon in 1983. It was created / weaponized by Bob Gallow and Fauci. It was injected in IV Drug Users, Gays and some athletes in Hepatitis B vaxcines.

They are also using Aborted Fetal Kidney Cells in our Food -- aka "Natural Flavor."

See the Documentary called "Medical Racism" here:

Source: Stew Peters Show --

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