Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Tiger Grass - February 2023

2 years ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the Seedium plant Tiger Grass and was offered between between February 1, 2023 and February 8, 2023.

Tiger Grass is a member of the Enforce-Mint family.
Tiger Grass costs 150 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 2, 5 and 8.)
Tiger Grass will leap out and attack the first zombie which comes within four (4) tiles in front of it.
This leap attack will do 3x damage.
Normal attacks will do 40 damage. (+10 per level.)
After 25 seconds (-1 second per level, -2 seconds for level 2) Tiger Grass will grow.
“Stage 2” Tigers do 1.75x damage.
After another round of growth, Tiger Grass hides Ultimate Tiger, doing over 3x damage.
Should the tiger be defeated, a new tiger will be regenerated after six (6) seconds. (-1 second at levels 2, 6 and 10)

A plant which generates an animal which attacks zombies. What's not to like?

A melee plant with the range of Fume-shroom, roughly 2.5 times the attacking power of Bonk Choy - at a minimum, for a reasonable cost. There is a lot to like about this plant. Having a longer range means you can “hide” Tiger Grass behind a nut for protection - allowing Tiger Grass to grow and get more deadly. Longer range means one can have two (2) columns of Tiger Grass and not have to worry about the back one just sitting idly like other melee/Enforce-Mint plants.

Bottom Line: Get this plant.

Level 1 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is Plant Food
There are precious flowers on the lawn which can not be trampled - 4 & 5 / 5 & 6 / 5 & 6
Never have more than not offered / not offered / 20 plants

Level 2 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 2 of 2
Survive for 2.5 minutes.
Chosen Perk is Knock Back
Protect the endangered plant - Escape Root on R3C5 / R1C6 & R5C6 / R1C6, R3C6 and R5C6
Destroy not offered / 20 / 30 gravestones

Level 3 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - FAIL
Survive the zombie attack
Chosen Perk is Knock Back
Protect the endangered plants - Twin Sunflowers on Column 3
Stun zombies not offered / 15 / 30 times
While a high level knock back seems like a good choice, eventually the Wizards will overrun the lawn and turn every plant into a sheep. A better choice is Float Away. When there are too many Wizards, this allows some of your plants to rejoin the fray.

Level 4 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive for 3 / 2.8 / 2.5 minutes.
Chosen Perk is Knock Back
Destroy 75 / 45 / 30 surfboards.
Destroy not offered / 50 / 30 Surfer zombies

Level 5 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive for 1.5 minutes.
Chosen Perk is Float Away
Defeat 5 Gargantuars
Defeat Cardio Zombie not offered / 1 / 2 time(s).

00:00 Level 1 - Difficulty 3
03:56 Level 2 - Difficulty 3
06:52 Level 3 - Difficulty 3
08:57 Level 4 - Difficulty 3
11:55 Level 5 - Difficulty 3

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