Ordinals And The Coming Attacks On Bitcoin

2 years ago

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In this video, I discuss further questions raised about ordinals/inscriptions/NFTs coming to Bitcoin.

Inscriptions that have been embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain are there forever, and nodes will have to deal with them when they do their Bitcoin audit, whether they are running a full node or a pruned node.

Running a Bitcoin full node should (at least theoretically) not open you up to charges of possessing bad images, since intent matters-- at least under US law.

Expect Bitcoiners to be scapegoated in the coming decade, and to be blamed for financial collapses that they profited from, but did not cause.

If you want to censor NFTs on Bitcoin, you will need to elect a King of Bitcoin, which defeats the whole purpose of having an open, permission-less system to begin with.

All things considered, the Taproot upgrade was a good one, even if people are putting it to some uses that we may not like.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Will Ordinals and NFTs Destroy Bitcoin?

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I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos.

My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


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