UK Column Content Swells - UK Column News - 1st February 2023

2 years ago


- Welcome to C40 Cities—Richard Vobes
- UKC search: “C40”
- What are we doing to our children?—Part 2: Were the Covid policies fit for purpose or necessary?
- Sustainable Renewable Energy: Neither Sustainable Nor Renewable
- Children’s “right” to be sexually abused
- I’m not anti-vax, I'm pro-informed consent—and you should be, too
- Scottish FoI response: NO doctors or nurses have died ‘involving’ Covid for three years
- Debi Evans Blog: 24 January 2023
- Digital Health: Government plans 500% expansion of virtual wards—all as predicted by Debi last summer
- Debi Evans (July 2022): NHS Long Term Plan and Mental Health Implementation Plan: Phoenix or dinosaur?

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