$250-Million and 2,500+ Multi-Family Units in 3 Years with Stas Grinberg

2 years ago

Stas Grinberg is the Co-founder of Vision & Beyond, a multi-family real estate investment firm with a portfolio of over $250M and 2,500+ multi-family residential units under management in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.

Stas has been in the real estate industry for 10+ years and has grown Vision & Beyond from two employees to over 60 and many investors worldwide.

When starting his company in 2018, he lost about $1.5M due to challenges he experienced dealing with real estate contractors, but he managed to get over that and grow his company into the multi-million dollar business it is today.

Previously, Stas worked for two Israeli investment firms that financed new construction opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama, Atlanta, Georgia, and Los Angeles, California.

He also previously served as a Tank Battalion Commander in the Israel Defense Forces and was awarded the prestigious Israeli President's Outstanding Soldier badge.

Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukraine war, Stas has been sponsoring a group of weekly volunteers helping Ukrainian refugees in Poland. He is a proud husband and father of three children.

We chat about:
• Growing his real estate investment company from nothing to more than $250 million in investments in three+ years.
• How to grow your net worth through passive real estate investing.
• How individuals looking to invest in real estate can benefit from partnering with a real estate investment firm.

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"You can invest 10,000 hours and become an expert or learn from those who have already made that investment." - JD

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