Pedophiles use Furries to groom children. (Pt. 2) Epoch Times Peru interviews Jon K. Uhler, LPC

1 year ago

What are Furries, and what should parents be aware of when it comes to the "Furry Fandom"? In this second part of the interview with the Epoch Times Peru, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, Sex Offender Treatment Provider, reveals what he learned about Furries from the mouths of incarcerated pedophiles, as they disclosed how Furries is the perfect grooming methods of gaining direct access to minors. He shares his stark warning to parents about this seemingly harmless "community" of adults who dress-up in bright costumes, who make it a point to gain direct access to kids, and to get minors involved in their Furry activities.

Original version of the interview:

Pt. 1 of this interview with Jon K. Uhler:
"Furries... What are they, and do Predators use them to gain access to children?' (Pt. 1)

Some of Jon K. Uhler's podcasts and posts:

Assessing the clinical differences between Sexual Deviance and Sexual Psychopathy:

How porn is being used to groom minors into the Trans Movement:

What is Grooming? (Pt. 1) Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Professional.
What is Grooming? (Pt 2) Understanding the Minds, Motives, & Methods of Sexual Predators
What is Grooming? (Pt 3) Understanding the Strategic Thinking of Predators.
What is Grooming? (Pt. 4) Understanding the Red Flags

To better understand the role pornography plays in the role of generating sexual predators, visit:

For a repository of useful information about the dangers of Trans Movement, visit the following:

To see the unique nature of Jon K. Uhler's forensic clinical work behind bars with incarcerated sexual predators, visit:

Jon K. Uhler's full bio can be accessed at:

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