17,000 Doctors Agree

2 years ago

17,000 doctors agree!!

The mRNA vaccines have killed MILLIONS.

You are far more likely to contract COVID if you get the vaccine than if you don't get the vaccine.

17,000 doctors agree.

I have no idea where Dr. Fauci is. I think he's hiding out in the mountains somewhere. Far, far away from civilization. And law enforcement.

Or maybe he's vacationing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I hear all the COVID Cult Leaders like to vacation there.

Well I dunno if they like it, per se but they all do seem to end up there.

Dr. Birx, for example. Anybody heard from the Wicked COVID Witch 🧹 lately? No? Yeah ... Me either.

She's probably vacationing at Guantanamo Bay Cuba with all her COVID friends.

Kuhhhwohhhnahhhviyyywusss (say it with a lisp)

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