A new heaven and a new earth! And he shall wipe away all tears!

2 years ago

And #Hope for #RIGHTNOW! 4:40 p.m. PT, Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Happy February 1, 2023! We need some FRESH, NEW LIFE into this earth, this country, our world! New beginning all over the world! You, are that still, small voice that is out there, that even the unbelievers can sense. Yes! That is YOU! #Jesus! We NEED God to INFUSE NEW life into this world, into this country, into each and every life, living on this earth! Come to the rescue, LORD and let people KNOW that it is YOU! Give us all #Wisdom Touch leaders in countries, USE, States, cities, towns! REACH down into our lives! Deliver us, help us, provide, heal, #Save!

You came to give us #Liberty Revelation 21 King James Version, Public Domain!

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