Wing Chun Training | Basic Trapping Technique | Sil Lum Tao

2 years ago

This Wing Chun training lesson teaches a basic trapping technique against someone attempting a push.

While Wing Chun trapping is a great technique. It’s not one of those techniques that you can always use. In other words, either the trap is there to take or it isn’t.

I know, that doesn’t sound like a great answer so I will elaborate a little bit. Because we are always focusing on developing our sensitivity, you can feel when it is the right time to use a technique faster than you can think about using the technique.

It’s been my experience that the best time to pull off this specific type of trap is when your opponent is putting more pressure in front of them than you are. So essentially because they are “forcing forward” you can take and use that extra energy to create the arcs you need to put your opponent into this type of trap.

Whereas if you try to trap for the sake of trapping alone, chances are your trap is going to fail you. When I am teaching my personal students I tell them all the time, that I can *FEEL what they are thinking. What I mean by this, your body responds very quickly to what you are thinking.

Often times your subconscious automatically starts obeying you even though you are only thinking about it. Often times this can be felt through the way the body starts responding. This is one of the reasons we put a lot of effort into learning how to become more sensitive. The more sensitive we are the faster we can feel what is happening once we are connected to a person. More often than not, we feel faster than a person can think.

It’s at this level of sensitivity that trapping becomes a deadly weapon in your arsenal.

Happy Training!

Sifu Larry Rivera

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