Today is left wing middle class strike day

2 years ago

Today is middle class left wing strike day. Today lots of middle class people are on strike. Nurses who claim to be poor on an average of £35k a year. When I was a student nurse we were told never strike never talk of striking. Well as long as you can ignore children not getting educated. People dying from missing hospital treatment. Business going bust and people becoming unemployed. All because of these strikes. I guess that is left wing middle class socialists in action. Happy to sacrifice the working class poor to benefit well off middle class people. Remember that Labour gets a lot of money from unions. So one must question if Labour advertise the strikes and unions because of the money they get and if by doing so they are putting unions before the public they claim to look after. I know some left wing middle class love to pretend to be working class and even cosplay by wearing a flat cap. And I know many left wing middle class people get upset when I point out that the public can see they are not kind or nice. Indeed how can one be kind when you know poor working class people who may be on minimum wage will have no job because you want more cash because you cannot afford your faith holiday this year. And then you claim it is about being fair or whatever left wing rubbish you justify your strike. It is clear that Labour is now a left wing middle class party for middle class people. Let’s face it in many Labour areas they punish the working class poor with speed cameras and charging people to drive. These teachers say children’s education suffers if they miss even a day of school. So if they believe that then every teacher who strikes today should be sacked. If they do not believe that then next time you go on holiday and take your child out of school for a few days then presumably it should be fine.

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