Loy Brunson speaks about case Supreme Court No. 22-380. Feb. 17, 2023 Conference date

2 years ago

On Feb. 1, 2023, the Supreme Court distributed the case for Conference on Feb. 17, 2023. Loy explains the case and the different proceedings. We remain in hope and faith in miracles of God as this case about Congress "violating their oaths of office" where they swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies both foreign and domestic. He also is the author of a book on the Constitution and How & why Promoting Socialism is a Felony. The book also has seven powerful Constitutional Discoveries and Benjamin Franklin's Brilliant Proven No-Tax Plan. Please join in their letter campaign to the Supreme Court Justices by visiting either of these websites: www.brunsonbrothers.com or www.7discoveries.com. We live in exciting times and get to be part of the solution to save the United States of America. Please share this video with at least two friends and challenge them to write letters today. We have 17 days to add to their already 60,000 letters. Let's reach for their 100 million letter goal! Shake off our apathy and awaken to our awful situation and lets not let evil get above us. Blessings with Love & Light of Jesus Christ.

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