💥“We want to seek the truth—the real truth. 我们要去求真,到底什么是真

2 years ago

🔥Austin, a member of the New Federal State of China, was interviewed at the peaceful protest on Capitol Hill. He participated in the Hong Kong anti-extradition movement in 2019 and told the behind the scenes experience in the movement at that time — 01/30/2023:

💥“We want to seek the truth—the real truth. This is learning, and this is the most important thing for us students.”

🔥新中国联邦成员Austin在国会山和平抗议现场接受采访,他在2019年参与了香港反送中运动,讲述了当时参与运动的经历,令人感动,为香港抗争的勇士感到骄傲 — 2023/01/30:


#DOJ #SEC #PaulHastings #LucDespins #takedowntheccp #nfsc #whistleblowermovement #saynotoevil #saveamerica #ccp≠chinese #HongKong #AntiExtraditionMovement

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