Truth be Told: Manchester 31st January 2023 - Part 1: Adam Rowland

2 years ago

Adam Rowland was a very fit and healthy sports physiotherapist, working with some of the top sportsmen and women in the world until the vaccine took absolutely everything that he cared about from him. This was the first rally he was well enough to attend.
Adam has a gofundme page to try and raise money for treatment that may help him. It also has more details about his story. It can be found here:

The month of January 2023 has been dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the vaccine injured and bereaved. Manchester is the 6th event held in their honour and to give them a voice. There are likely to be more events in March in different towns and cities around the country, so keep an eye on the covileaks website for information about those.

For more information see:

"CoviLeaks; based in the UK and Founded by Fiona Hine in June 2020, was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 'pandemic'."

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion:

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